Reality Booklets


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-50PH - If results in 0ph = coma, if less = death (in d4 inst) Instant Death - Death occurs in 1 inst Death in # instants - First aid extends time, see also comas etc.

Memorizing the Success Chart

Some people prefer to be able to play without referring to charts. Some hints and clues to memorizing the Sucess Chart are included in this section for playing on-the-go.

Other rules can be shortened for ease of play, without the gaming materials in front of you.

For instance, you can assume that a character rolled on the extraordinary attributes table for their Background roll. They roll a d20 (or 2d10, the other as 1-10, the other as +0 or +10, see the explanations on die rolling). 1-6 are the physical attributes. 3 for each of the base mental stats (7-9 INT, 10-12 WPR), then 2 for each of the Psi Attributes (13-14 INS, 15-16 KIN, etc.).

Once a GM has played AltReal for a little while, most of the charts should be memorable.

Pattern Method for Successes

Some people prefer to see the pattern in a chart. SC’ s are dealt with in 5% increments.

The pattern from 05-99 is to round down to the nearest 5%. For instance, 39 rounds down to 35. Divide the # by 5. In this case the result is 7. There is a 7% chance of each success©©an A success is 01-07, a B from 08-14, a C from 15-21, D from 22-28, E from 29-35. It only takes a few seconds, and a basic knowledge of the 5x table©©usually a very easy table to memorize.

This pattern is broken below 4%, because of the basic premise that ANYONE has a 5% chance of Success if they can even attempt to do something. So for #'s from 01-04, treat it as an SC of 5%.

Over 100, the pattern changes again, slightly. At 100%, a character still has a base 5% chance of failure. As well, at numbers over 100, the chance of Critical Successes goes up, and the chance of Failure or Fumble goes down until it has disappeared entirely.

The chance of success are still based on the 5x table, but if a % goes over a certain number, the jump between #'s changes to 1%.

Between 100-139 the key # is 95. If the % would be over 95, it reverts to a 95, the next is 96, etc. ‘ Between 140-179 the key # is 96. At 180-199 the key # is 97.

At 200 the key # is 98.Thus: 124 SC = 120% = 120/5 = 24 =

A 01-24, B 25-48, C 49-72, D 73-95, E 96.

157 SC = 155% = 155/5 = 31 =

A 01-31, B 32-62, C 63-93, D 96, E 97.

183 SC = 180% = 180/5 = 36 =

A 01-36, B 37-72, C 73-97, D 98, E 99.

200 SC = 200/5 = 40 =

A 01-40, B 41-80, C 81-98, D 99, E 00 **No chance of Failure!

Combat Loop Once entering combat time, even for spell and skill use, without‘ 0*0*0* really using combat rules per se, this is the order of events: 1) GM list of all participant's IV's in order. 2) GM begins at highest IV, or at IV 59. 3) When it comes to a combat turn refer to ©©Skill/Spell Sequence©© ‘ 4) Active character’ s IV drops 10 points 5) At IV 10, after the last person has gone, apply per-instant ‘ damages (except on Crits received this instant. 6) When combat ends, revert to normal play time, unless someone is still bleeding.

©©Summary of Skill/Spell Sequence©© Physical Combat ‘ Attacker/Acter Intent -Hold Action - if so return to Combat Loop -Declare Intent

-Choose Weapon ‘ Defender/Aider Intent

-Evade - if declared previously, has held action, or acts simultaneously

-Free Actions ‘ Determine SC of Attacker/Acter

-Call Shot (aim), if desired ‘ -Modify SC (Skill Modifiers, Crit Modifiers, Range Modifiers) ‘ Attacker/Acter Rolls for Success ‘ Determine SC of Defender/Aider - if applicable

-Modify SC (Skill Modifiers, Crit Modifiers, Range Modifiers) ‘ Defender/Aider rolls for evasion Success (OST/AST), if applicable ‘ Apply Success Modifiers to Attacker/Acter’ s roll, if applicable

-Evasion Modifier (OST)/Aider Modifier (AST) ... Fumble on OST = +50%

-Health Success Modifiers ‘ Determine Outcome: ‘ Location Roll

-Determine by calls ‘ Protection by Armor/Helm, if applicable ‘ Critical, if applicable

-Armor Modification ‘ Determine Damage

-base Damage (weapon base + DB + Quality)

-Modify by Success

-Modify by Critical

-Reduce by Armor ‘ Apply Damage to Defender

-Pain to PR then MH monitors ‘ -Apply PH or MH damage -Note Special Crit effects or skill modifiers if applicable **Options: Adrenaline Rush, Desperation Table, Berzerkers, Fear Reactions

Attacker Intent:‘ 0*0*0* First, the person w/the initiative declares what s/he will do. This can be anything: opening a lock, jumping to a roof, etc. Most of these actions are handled in the skills section. What we're most concerned with in a combat is the actual fight taking place. The person with initiative is the "attacker".

If the character is going to attack, we must know who s/he is attacking, and with which weapon, skill or spell. If the weapon is not ready, that may be the character’ s saction for the round. Bows are carried unstrung, for instance. Stringing a bow normally takes 2 actions (see Skills, Bow, pp??). A bow can remain strung for a few hours, if necessary, however, it cannot remain strung for days and days. If the attacker wishes to use his bow, s/he will probably need to string it at the beginning of each combat, or, if danger is expected within minutes, for instance bandits were spotted ahead on the road by a scout, the bow may be strung. In the case of iminent danger, players should announce readied weapons, even before combat actually begins.

Defender Intent:

If there is a victim implied in the "attacker's" intent, this is when the person being attacked gets to say what s/he is going to try to do about it. If the defender has an action available--from a held action, or because s/he is acting on the same IV as the attacker and has not resolved his/her action yet--s/he can choose to evade. There are certain basic skills used to evade: Acrobatics; Tumbling; Shield; parrying with a weapon skill; an applicable spell; etc. The GM may allow other skills or spells to apply for evasion, such as a Ride skill roll if the defender is on a horse. Generally, these are active skills.

Every person, however, has 1 chance, at least, in an instant, of getting out of harm’ s way if s/he has no actions (or does not wish to use them) to evade with. This is called a Free Dodge (see Free Actions, in the Skills Chapter). It is a chance of 1/2 AGL that natural bodily reactions will move you out of harm. All characters have at least one of these per instant. Other ‘' actions can be used, in combination with, or instad of, a Free Dodge. However, only one of each type can be used in the same IV, ie: only 1 FD, 1 FP, and 1 FS in one IV. Roll the highest first, until either all applicable free actions have been used, or the damage has been eliminated. These OST's are cumulative.

Determine SC of Attacker:

At this point, the attacker decides whether or not s/he wishes to "call" the shot. Calling a shot means telling the GM where it is, on the victim, that you are aiming. There are 3 choices: no call, which gives you no penalties; call area, which means you are aiming for a general area of the body, not a specific one, for instance the Chest Area, which means the shot will probably land around or on the chest; a specific call, which means you want a very specific area of the body, for instance if the victim is not wearing a helm, and you want to have the best chance of killing him/her, you call the Neck, which is part of the Head Area. Should the attacker get a lesser success, the blow might be random, and hit someplace other than where intended. (see also Called Shots).‘ 0*0*0* Once the call modifier is determined, the GM must consider if there are any other adverse conditions present which may have an impact on the attacker’ s ability to hit successfully. Lighting, or visability, range to the target, modifiers from criticals which have not been healed, etc.

These effect how successfully the character hits, not the results of the hit. Subtract these modifiers from the SC of the attacker.

Attacker Rolls for Success:

At this point the character rolls on the Success Chart to determine Success. The Success is an indication of HOW successful the shot is. The result should be a letter from A to J. J is a fumble. A implies the Success is Critical. For weapons, it means that there is a chance that there was a special effect from the blow, as well as the blow doing at least 150% (1.5x) damage.

Determine SC of Defender - if applicable:

If there is nothing that can be called a Defender, then this step can be skipped over. However in many cases there is a Defender that is less obvious than a person may think.

In combat with weapons or spells, the defender is probably a person. However, if kicking down a door, the door is the defender, and if it has a spell on it to resist the kick, it may get an OST.

Copyright Criss Ittermann. All rights reserved.

Page last modified on September 20, 2012, at 07:27 AM